Jail the Bankers ?
Genealogy (Family History
The Great Re-Balancing 2007-?


Editorial Policy


All content added to this website will be noted as a Journal entry. Even my list of links (i.e. other peoples' internet material which I recommend) will be announced in the Journal.

The Journal is what others call a "blog". I dislike the word and the legal version ("blawg") is even less euphonious.

Also quasi-blogs are the pages labelled "Notes" e.g. Contract Notes

I will write into the Journal whatever seems worth sharing with you at the time. If a Journal entry seems likely to remain of interest, it will in due course be moved to an appropriate section of the site. I aim to keep the Journal short, both as to individual entries and as to the overall size.

In relation to the latter issue, I plan to cull the Journal every time it goes over three pages long.

It is likely that the colour scheme and other presentational elements will evolve continually, and occasionally change more drastically.

This page was last up-dated on 17 August 2011 and is not yet complete.