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The Great Re-Balancing 2007-?
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" A Vote for Kathleen is a Vote For ...."

Yesterday's Cork North Central opinion poll published in "the Irish Examiner" disappoints on a number of levels, not least the fact that it relies on data collected over a week ago now.

Nonetheless, the poll is probably correct in identifying the fact that Kathleen Lynch, the incumbent Labour TD, is the front-runner and is likely to claim the first of the four seats. Is it also correct in suggesting that more than half of her voters will be giving their second preference to the Sinn Féin candidate ? Many campaign workers seem to think so. They may be wrong, or right.

If the latter, it will likely be because the two live so near each other, but whatever the reason, it seems that the higher Kathleen's first preference vote goes, the more likely it is that the Jonathan O'Brien, the Sinn Féin candidate, will be elected. (If the very personable Jonathan is not elected, it will probably be because a vote for him is also a vote for Gerry Adams).

What About Me ?

No doubt, Kathleen will now be even more assiduous in requesting her supporters to seek transfers to her Labour Party running mate, the impressive John Gilroy.(See, I am just trying to help you, Declan :-) )

Thoughtful voters who respect (as I do) Ms Lynch's record and abilities but who do not want to have a Sinn Féin TD may prefer to exercise other options, such as giving their first preference to me, and allowing Kathleen to benefit (if she needs to do so, which is unlikely) from a lower preference.

It's All About You, Isn't It, Fergus ?

It is, and I make no apology for it. This is my campaign webpage. Here, it really is "all about Fergus" and how I can represent the voters' decision to turn their backs on the "old politics", including the TDs who were elected by it.

To conclude, let me make my position clear: I do not believe that Kathleen Lynch wants a vote for her to be a vote for Sinn Féin, but that our wonderful electoral system could have that result.

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