Jail the Bankers ?
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The Great Re-Balancing 2007-?
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The left orthodoxy has it that inequality is bad for societies even in terms of "hard" economics. There is little doubt in my mind that they do have a good point to make, although it is unlikely to be as good as they make it seem.

However, I want to focus on that word "inequality".

I think that it is a more useful one than equality. This is somewhat counter-intuitive: my acculturation predisposes me to to like equality of opportunity, equal treatment and so on.

The problem is that everyone knows that equality is impossible. No-one at all thinks that everyone can be paid exactly the same, or can be made to be exactly the same, or to be at exactly the same level on every plane, or at the same point on every spectrum.

Not only do people value diversity, which is impossible without some forms of inequality, they also recognise that e.g. a 18 year old is not, and can never be, endowed equally with a 58 year old.

Even the most extreme levellers aspire only to reduce the disparities. They speak longingly of having the highest paid person receive 6 times the income of the lowest paid, instead of 1000 times or more.

I would note that even that kind of disparity (6 times) is really very, very far away from equality. Just imagine living next door (for ever) to someone earning, say, €3,000 a week, when you are getting €500 (or vice versa): it is difficult (no, not completely and utterly impossible) to find common ground between people with such different proximities to the bread line.

So, speaking of equality in this area of life (pay) is really a misuse of words. The real target is massive inequality, the reduction thereof. Not as easy on the tongue, but much more satisfying to the intellect.

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